Your Premier Trucking Expert Witness in Wyoming
If you are looking for a trucking expert witness in Wyoming, look no further than Truck Accident & Incident Experts, LLC, dba Scott L. Turner has honed his well-rounded trucking expert opinions over the course of a 30-year career in commercial motor vehicle (CMV) crashes. Turner has worked for 17 years as the CEO of a nationwide CMV crash recovery team and has assisted with major disaster response and recovery in numerous types of situations, including with or without hazardous material involvement.
Turner’s field experience is backed by the highest level of truck and motorcoach crash training experience available. This includes, but is not limited to, CMV Crash Inspections Investigations, Level 1 FMCSA Inspections, Hazardous Materials Inspections (CMV), Cargo Tank Trunk Specialist, HazMat Specialist, and Passenger Vehicle (Motorcoach) Inspection.
While Scott L. Turner is well known for his over three decades of experience responding to and investigating CMV crashes in terms of FMCSA compliance/violations, Turner has spent years driving 18-wheeler tractor-trailers personally as well. This experience has allowed him to become a trucking expert witness in Wyoming with plenty of hands-on knowledge on what factors contribute to accidents and their aftermath. Turner drove low-boys (flatbeds), dry-van trailers, and tankers. As a CMV operator, he also gained crucial experience driving, loading, and off-loading van tailers, low-boys, and cargo tanks.
Turner’s years of professional experience as a truck accident expert includes relevant experience as an instructor for the New Jersey State Police. For 11 years, Turner was a CMV crash and incident specialist instructor for cargo-tank truck responses. He was also a HM instructor that focused on tractor-trailer crashes. Scott L. Turner, as a function of his instructor duties, has trained organizations across multiple disciplines. These organizations include the New York City Fire Department, New York City PD Emergency Services Unit, New York/ New Jersey Port of Authority, CRHMRO (California), Philadelphia Fire Department, and New Jersey State Police, to name a few.
Over the course of his career, Turner has responded to and/or investigated over 1,000 tractor trailer and CMV crashes, 200 cargo-tank truck incidents, and a variety of different incidents in an industrial setting including railroad, airline, and maritime disasters. These experiences provided Turner with the privilege of managing, responding to, and investigating highway crashes, loading dock incidents, loading/offloading incidents, FMCSA regulatory violations, and forklift incidents, etc. During these incidents, Turner was the lead response and /or investigative party.

Truck Accident & Incident Experts Services
Turner’s work as a truck accident expert in Wyoming stems from his in-depth understanding of FMCSA regulations, report writing, testimony, industry standards of care, and an innate ability to “teach” a jury crucial aspects of trucking safety and/ or violations. This knowledge plays an important role in litigation and arbitration where CMV crashes are being investigated.
Scott L. Turner provides many services as a trucking expert witness in Wyoming including:
- FMCSA/PHMSA Driver and Management Training
- Driver qualification files
- CMV loading and off-loading investigation
- Industrial trucks/lift trucks
- Pre-deposition support
- Litigation support
- Trial preparation consulting
- Deposition and courtroom testimony
- Distracted driving
- CMV crash investigation, analysis and re-creation
- CMV post-crash FMCSA truck and motorcoach inspections
- Cargo-tank truck crashes, spills and explosions
- Cargo-tank loading/offloading incidents (Loading Rack)
- Highway construction zone crashes
- Driver hours-of-service; fatigue driving
Knowledge of Standard Setters
Truck accident experts in Wyoming need to be able to apply relevant standards to cases that they are engaged in. Turner’s knowledge of multiple “standard setters” allows him to properly assist in a variety of litigations. A number of these standards include:
- Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)
- Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA)
- American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI)
- Compressed Gas Association (CGA)
- Institute of Police Technology and Management (IPTM)
- JJ Keller
- National Academy of Sciences; Transportation Research Board (NAS;TRB)
- National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
- National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
- National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
- National Safety Council (NSC)
- North American Transportation Management Institute (NATMI)
- National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB)
- National Tank Truck Carriers (NTTC)
- Smith-System Driver Improvement Institute
- ATA; Technology & Maintenance Council (TMC)
- University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI)
- Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI)