Truck Accident & Incident Experts, LLC serves as Expert Witnesses for cases of litigation wherein our clients are representing either defense or plaintiff in truck crash and/or incident litigation. Our annual case volume of plaintiff vs. defense is typically 50/50 each year. We are often retained directly by insurance carriers. TAIE has likewise been retained by various states such as the State of California and the State of Ohio.

At TAIE we look at all matters of litigation in a fair, balanced and non-advocative manner. We apply the same in the following strict perspective: 1.) the FMCSR’s applicability; 2.) the AAMVA applicability; 3. other Standards of Care applicability; 3.) Best Practices applicability; 4.) Discovery applicability; 5.) our experience and expertise concerning CMV and FMCSA regulations. However, we never proffer any opinions that are not able to be proven on the aforestated basis. In other words, opinions that may be considered net opinions or simply ipse dixit.

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Truck & Regulatory Experts
December, 06 2024

The Role of Truck & Regulatory Experts in Legal Cases 

In legal cases involving truck incidents or disputes, the role of a truck accident expert ... Read more